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Cognitive Capital

Cognitive Capital: IQ and Economic Adaptability and Flourishing

Here’s some revealing data about the changing nature of work published in The Economist: There are numerous studies showing the same trend towards non-routine cognitive work. . What can we infer from this? . If we make the reasonable assumption that the non-routine cognitive work demands involve complexity, problem solving and learning of new skills, we can infer that general intelligence (g) has high adaptive value in today’s economy – particularly fluid intelligence (Gf): . Fluid intelligence or fluid reasoning is the ability to think abstractly,

Cognitive Elites – IQ And Cognitive Capital

Educational and Cognitive Capital Being smart is ‘cognitive capital’ in our complex, high tech, knowledge economy – in education, training and employment. Numerous studies show a clear link between IQ level and income or wealth. Here is some data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. For this sample the lowest decile (1/10) is people with I.Q below 84, and the highest decile above 116. In rapidly changing, unpredictable, and complex, learning intensive work environments IQ is increasingly viewed as valuable ‘cognitive

What would you do to earn money if all you had was $5 and 2 hours?

Tina Sellig, executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, wrote a stimulating and useful book- What I wish I knew when I was 20. In this book, she describes how she put the following problem to her students at Stanford: “What would you do to earn money if all you had was five dollars and two hours?” If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, just skim and read the words in bold.   The Rules of the Assignment 14 teams were given

IQ Wealth & Cognitive Elites: What Does IQ Mean For Income?

In the US, UK, Australia, Europe and other western countries, assuming an average population IQ of 100, the data indicates that those individuals with a 130 IQ – putting you in the top 2.3% of the population – are powerful wealth creators. An IQ of 125 puts you in the top 5% – a member of your society’s cognitive elite!

Career Aptitude Tests & Work Performance

There is conclusive evidence for the impact of general intelligence and IQ level on job aptitude test scores, trainability, work performance, occupational status and income. A high IQ is therefore cognitive capital in a knowledge-based economy. IQ Lift supplies brain training software and brain supplements that have been scientifically demonstrated to improve fluid intelligence and IQ level by 40%. By improving your fluid intelligence, you improve your reasoning and problem solving ability, which improves your

i3 Mindware IQ App