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Dual N-Back Training

How To Optimize Your i3 Dual N-Back Training

When you train with i3 Mindware software, ensure that you maximize the ‘core dual n-back training’ effect by adopting the following principles. Minimize going into ‘automatic pilot’ in the game. Ensure you are always putting in effort and the task is always challenging and absorbing. Ensure that you work at successfully ignoring distracting information – focusing on only what is needed for target ‘matches’. When interference is high, focus and keep your accuracy levels high. In the continuous stream of information, ensure that

Gated DNB: Input and Output Gating

Here I explain how the gated dual n-back (gated DNB) innovation is a critical advance on classic dual n-back training. Warning: some of the material is quite technical. Simply read up to the ‘Summary’ section at the beginning, and then skip down to the last Exec Summary paragraph, for the basic take-home.  In my dual n-back post I reviewed the evidence for the IQ augmenting benefits of dual n-back training, taking a closer look at the Johns Hopkins University DNB study published this

Latest N-Back Brain Training Studies: Effective Sleep and Training Synergy

We know from an often skeptical press that many brain training apps do not work beyond practice effects specific to the games themselves. But it’s clear from the steady stream of peer-reviewed cognitive neuroscience research that some types of brain training are effective for increasing IQ and focus (ref).    So what works? What brain training has so-called far-transfer to general cognitive abilities (as opposed to ‘narrow transfer’ to highly similar tasks

i3 Mindware IQ App