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5 Factors of IQ

Dr Katsioulis’ 198 IQ Level. Definition of General Intelligence & 5 Factors of IQ

SuperSmart has a great (not to be taken too seriously) feature entitled ‘The 30 Smartest People Alive Today‘, where you can find a number of individuals with recorded IQ levels above 160. The World Genius Directory is perhaps the most up-to-date directory of super-IQs, including the 2013 ‘Genius of the Year’ winner for Europe, Dr Evangelos Katsioulis, famous for… Highest adult IQ in the world (2012): IQ 198  Highest adult IQ in the world (2010 – 2012): IQ 198.. Highest IQ

The 5 Factors of IQ Over the Lifespan

Brain health and brain fitness depends on maintaining our ‘G-Factor’- our general intelligence. The 5 Factors of Intelligence Defined Psychologists call general intelligence ‘G’.  G is known to be based on five underlying factors (Gc, Gf, Gv, Gsm and Gs) shown below. Some of these factors are based on ‘acquired knowledge’ through education, others are based on ‘raw’ thinking skills that we are usually not taught (such as the ability to reason logically), and others are based on how efficient our brains are

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