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Online IQ Test with Instant Results

Take A Valid, Standardized IQ Test

Knowing your true IQ level requires that you take a scientifically valid and standardized IQ test. This gives you a score somewhere on the IQ bell curve below. With this ‘bell curve’ you can compare your score with others in the population. It is generally thought that an IQ of 115 or greater is needed for college level education. Mensa requires an IQ level of 130 – in the top 2% of the population. A high IQ can be considered to be 120 or above.

IQ bell curve - What is an IQ Score
click for how to interpret this ‘IQ bell curve’

Professional IQ tests

Professionally administered IQ tests (e.g. WAIS-IV or Cattell III B) give you a valid measure of your IQ level. They are typically administered by a certified psychologist, educationalist or clinician. They cost to you will be in the region of $300-$500 for an assessment. The test kits can be purchased independently – at a cost: $1,110.00 for the basic kit (link).

A more cost-effective method of measuring your true IQ level is to take a Mensa Supervised Test. Mensa offers supervised IQ tests ( $40.00 in the US / £17.50 in the UK). This fee includes

  • A reserved place at the centre of your choice.
  • The opportunity to take two IQ test papers. The Cattell III B and the Cattell Culture Fair III A.
  • A score in the top 2% on either of these papers would qualify you for membership of Mensa.
  • The marking of your IQ test papers and your results returned to you in confidence.

Mensa Supervised test sessions are held at centres throughout your home country. Click here for details from International Mensa. For those in the US click here. For those in the UK click here.

Online IQ Tests

There are many so-called ‘IQ tests’ online. The vast majority these or more are not scientifically valid or reliable. They may be fun, they may even be good for training purposes, but they are worthless as a measure of your true IQ.

The GIQ Test

This is a good general IQ test, combining non-verbal (spatial) and verbal problems, providing a valid measure of your IQ. The fee is only $10.

According to the test-makers:

The GIQ Test is an online analog for the most common clinically proctored IQ tests. In our internal study, the GIQ Test correlated within about 4% of an individual’s full scale score on a clinically proctored IQ test. The GIQ Test’s sections are modeled after clinical IQ test sections.

  • Time required: 25-45 minutes estimated. No time limit.
  • Components of intelligence measured: full scale intelligence, ‘verbal’, ‘spatial’ and ‘quantitative’ intelligence. Your performance sub-score on this test can substitute as a measure of your fluid intelligence.
  • Culture fair IQ test? No. Vocabulary, similarities and arithmetic subtests are culture-dependent.
  • Repeat testing: No
  • Fee: $10
  • Test creators: Wendlink, Inc product

take the free online IQ test

Valid Online IQ Tests with i3 Mindware – Guaranteed IQ Increase of 10-20 Points

Alternatively, take one of the two scientifically valid culture fair IQ tests supplied on purchasing our scientific IQ increase software to give an accurate measure of your IQ. The following money-back guarantee is offered:

  • Take one of our scientifically valid online IQ tests. Record your results.
  • Do the 20 days of i3 training (20-25 minutes per day)
  • Take the remaining IQ test or a professionally supervised IQ test of your choice to accurately measure your increased IQ level due to brain plasticity effects. Record your results.
  • You are guaranteed a 10-20 point IQ increase – an increase that is maintained long term. This is a money-back guarantee.

To understand this IQ gain, read the What Does my IQ Score Mean page.




I am a cognitive scientist specializing in health, resilience and performance (HRP) brain training interventions and self-quantification. I have a joint Ph.D in cognitive psychology and neuroscience from the Center of the Neural Basis of Cognition (Carnegie Mellon/Pittsburgh) and for a number of years was a researcher and lecturer at Cambridge University.

i3 Mindware IQ App