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Processing Speed (Gs )

Processing speed is how fast your mental processes are – your ability to automatically and fluently perform basic cognitive tasks (such as scanning text for something), especially when high levels of attention and focused concentration are required.

Gs includes reaction time (how fast you can react to stimuli) and inspection time (how long it takes to identify a simple stimulus).

In general you can train Gs by practice on tasks that are important to you. You can set yourself time limits to enforce constraints on your practice, ensuring that you maintain a certain threshold level of accurcy/performance.

You can train Gs once you have mastered a certain level of an i3 Mindware game, by increasing the speed setting. Gs depends on attention control ability, so another way to train speed of processing is by training with the gFOCUS app.

Practice for Psychometric or Neuropsychological Tests

  • Queendom’s Mental Speed Test 1. Standardized. Scoring – Free. Take the test.
i3 Mindware IQ App